
Wind Turbines

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Wind Turbines

Adverse health effects from Wind Turbines can be caused by:

  • Dirty Electricity fed onto the nearby power lines
  • Stray ground currents
  • Infra-sound or low frequency acoustic waves

Dirty electricity, stray ground currents and infra-sound can cause the specific symptoms of electrosensitivity.


    See also: Dirty Electricity, Ground Currents, Stray Electric Currents

Dirty Electricity

1. High-voltage transient spikes 

Dirty electricity, or high-voltage transient spikes on top of the 60 Hz sine wave of alternating current, can be fed onto the local power mains via the inverter.

2. Stray ground current 

Dirty electricity can also be found in the ground as stray ground current where there is insufficient independent grounding and return wires for mains current.

Some people are particularly sensitive to Dirty Electricity of one or both forms. For sensitive people owners of wind farms should make reasonable adjustments.

In all cases, the power generated by Wind Turbines should be protected in three ways:

  • 1. All electric power leaving the turbine inverters should be filtered to remove the high-frequency transient spikes. This should also be done for all the homes of all local residents.
  • 2. The power leaving the turbines should not be connected to power lines supplying nearby residential properties.
  • 3. A proper neutral system, possibly a five-wire system, should be installed to handle the high-frequency return current in overhead lines.
    ​    (Electric Power Research Institute, 1995).

Further information:

Typical symptoms:

  • Tinnitus, headaches, sleeplessness, raised blood pressure, heart palpitations, earaches, chest pressures etc. The symptoms disappear away from the area affected by the turbines.

Dairy Cattle:

There have been many studies on animals affected by stray ground currents. Dairy cows typically have reduced milk production when on ground or in buildings polluted with stray ground currents.


Set-Back: minimum one mile (1.6 km)
The usual set back from residential areas recommended for Wind Turbines is at least one mile or 1.6 or 1.5 km.
    (French National Academy of Medicine, Chouard C-M, 2006)

Most people are subconsciously sensitive to infra-sound

As with electromagnetic pollution, it has also been shown that sleep is disturbed by Wind Turbines among most people in a dose-response manner, with those closest having the greatest disturbance.

Some people are especially sensitive to infra-sound
It is well established that some people, perhaps 10% of the population, are sensitive to infra-sound (<20 Hz) from Wind Turbines. The specific symptoms are similar to the specific symptoms of electrosensitivity, since both can involve disturbances to the inner ear. In both cases it is not only the frequency of the wave but in particular its amplitude and modulation, as shown in studies on sleep. 
People especially sensitive to electromagnetic pollution are often more sensitive to noise pollution.

Typical symptoms and sensitivities
In addition to the symptoms listed for dirty electricity and electrosensitivity, common infra-sound symptoms include nausea, dizziness, depression, irritability and sensitivity to sound. Like electrosensitivity, people with compromised myelination may be especially sensitive, since the hairs of the inner ear are myelinated but not those of the outer ear. RF EMF is related to sensitivity to sound and can be used to induce sounds. Human muscles emit low intensity sound waves from motor neurons, just as glucose metabolism emits EMFs. Hypersensitivity is individually differentiated and often inherent in the brain’s interconnections.

Coronary perivascular fibrosis and Blood-brain barrier

At some frequencies and intensities, it seems that there are changes to the heart and the blood-brain-barrier becomes more permeable.

    Vibroacoustic Disease

    As with electrosensitivity, where chronic exposure can lead to hyper-sensitivity, so people chronically exposed to noise pollution can develop vibroacoustic disease. A particular feature of vibroacoustic damage appears to be in the respiratory system.