

Electrosensitivity websites

ANRES (Australia)

AREHS: Association pour la Reconnaissance de l'Electro Hyper Sensibilité (EHS) (Belgium)

Asociacion de Afectados de Navarra por Campos Electromagneticos (ASANACEM/EEKNE, Spain)

Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE (Spain)

Associazone Amica (Italy)

L’Association PRIARTEM (Les Electrosensibles de France)
Associazone Italiana Elettrosensibili (Italy)
Bioinitiative 2012, section 24.F (ES references)

C4ST (ES stories)

Careless Science (Dr Igor Yakymenko)

Cellular Phone Task Force (USA)

Citizens for Safe Technology (EHS)

EHS & MCS: Research and Treatment European Group (ARTAC, France)

EHS Action

EHS Association (Denmark)

EHS Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines (Austrian Medical Association)
EHS-Zichtbaar (Netherlands)

Electrical Hypersensitivity (Powerwatch articles)

Electrical Sensitivity (UK, Dr Myhill)

Electromagnetic (Hyper) Sensitivity (Wikidot)

ElectricSense (Lloyd Burrell)

Electromagnetic Health

Electromagnetic Man

Electromagnetic Sense Ireland (ES Ireland)

Electrosensibles por el Derecho a la Salud (Spain)

ElectroSensitive Association (Sweden)

Electro-sensitivity Forum

Electrosensitivity in Ireland (IERVN) (ireland)

ElectroSensitivity UK (ES-UK)

Electro y Quimico Sensibles por el Derecho a la Salud (EQSDS)

Elöverkänsligas Riksförbund (National Association of EHS) (Sweden)

EMF Analysis (EHS)

EMF Conductor (Elizabeth Maxim)

EMF Safety Network (US, Sandi Maurer)

EMF Summit (Alison Heath)

Environmental Health Association of Canada

Environmental Health Trust (USA, Dr Devra Davis)


FEB (Swedish Association for EHS, until 2001; see: ​Elöverkänsligas Riksförbund) (Swedish)

FELO Foreningen for eloverfølsomhet (Norway)

h.e.s.e. Project UK (EHS)

Jolie Talks (Jolie Jones)

Kiirgusinfo (Estonia)

MCS America (US, May 2012)

MCS-Aware (UK)

Microwave Injured Veterans Network (USA)

Next-Up (French)

NoRad4U (Israel)

Olga Sheean

Parents For Safe Technology (USA)

PECCEM (Spain)

Physicians for Safe Technology (USA)

RESQ (Le Rassemblement ÉlectroSensibilité Québec) (Canada)

Safer Wireless Technology (EHS) (New Zealand)

Stichting EHS (Foundation EHS, Netherlands)

Switch2Safe (EHS)

The Environmental Illness Resource: Electrical Sensitivity (Matthew Hogg, UK)

Understanding EMFs: Electrohypersensitivity (Cece Douette, Ashland MA, US)

Une terre pour les EHS (France)

V6DE.COM (Japan)

Verein Für Elektrosensible Und Mobilfunkgeschädigte E.V. (Germany)

WATE (We Are The Evidence) (USA)

WaveGoodBye (ES, John Jamieson, UK)

Weep (Canada, EHS, by Beau Binder, Anna Jonsson)

Weep (Canada, Living with EHS, by Susan Parsons)

Wi-Fi Refuge (Germany)

EHS and Environmental Centers of Excellence

Australia: Electromedicine Clinic & Research Lab, Frankston, Victoria

Dallas: Environmental Health Center

England: Hemel Hempstead: Breakspear Medical

Moscow: Center for Electromagnetic Safety

Ontario Center of Excellence in Envirnonmental Health

Paris: ARTAC: Electrosensibiles

Toronto: Women's College Hospital: Environmental Health Clinic

Electrosensitivity websites: personal experiences

Being Electrosensitive (in a microwaved world) (Facebook Public Group, Dave Ashton, UK)

Beyond the van (Richard Kimberley, UK)

Burnt by a phone mast? (Diana Boughton, UK)

We Are The Evidence (Dafna Tachover, USA, Israel)

Facebook etc.: Electrosensitivy Groups and Forums

Being Electrosensitive (in a microwaved world) (Facebook Public Group, Dave Ashton, UK)

Digital Survivor (UK)

EHS Foreningen for Elektro Hyper Sensitive (Denmark)

Electrosensitivity Australia (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Electro-sensitivity Forum... (Facebook Group, Linnet Workman)

Electro-sensitivity Forums (EMR Sanctuary, Australia)

Electrical Sensitivity Support Group (Facebook Group)

EMF Refugee (Yahoo restricted group, Paul Doyon)

ES (Electrical Sensitivity) Discussion Group (es-forum, Marc Martin, formerly eSens Yahoo Group)

Risk Assessment, Hazard Liability and Electromagnetic Hygiene


Wireless Risk Assessment

Legal Actions

Children's Health Defense v FCC

Children's Health Defense v 5G Antennas on Homes

Environmental Health Trust v FCC

Arthur Firstenberg: "Cancer Lawsuit Filed in 2001 will Finally go to Trial" (Cellular Phone Task Force Newsletter, March 17 2021) 

Mobile Phone Whistleblower Project

EM information (general) websites

L’Association PRIARTEM (Pour Rassembler, Informer et Agir sur les Risques liés aux Technologies ElectroMagnétiques, France)

Associazione Elettrosmog Sicilia (Sicily)

Beperk de Straling (Belgium)

Bio Electromagnetic Research Initiative (BEMRI, UK)

Bioinitiative (2012)

Bioinitiative Updated Research Summaries

C4ST (Canadians for Safe Technology, Canada)

California Brain Tumor Association (USA)

Careless Science (Dr Igor Yakymenko)

Cavi Society (Children As Victims Inquiry, UK)

Cellular Phone Task Force (USA)

Center for Electrosmog Prevention (California, USA)

Centre for Safer Wireless (Virginia, USA)

Citizens For A Radiation Free Community (USA)

Citizens Radiation Protection (Norway)

Digital Survivor (UK)

Dr Magda Havas (Canada)

Dr Zory Glaser

ECERI (European Cancer and Environment Research Institute)


Electrical Pollution (USA)

Electromagnetic Radiation (Home Biology)

Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety (Facebook)

Electromagnetic Safety Alliance (USA)

Elektrosmog.com (Germany)

Elektrosmog News (Germany)

Elettrosmog Volturino Association (Italy)

EMFacts Consultancy (Australia)

EMF Research

EMF SA (South Africa) 

EMF Safety Network (USA)

EMF Safety Zone  (Education and Protection)

EMF Solutions (UK)

EMF Wise (USA)

EM-Radiation Research Trust (RRT, UK)

EMR Australia

EMR Aware (Australia)

EMR Health Alliance of BC (Canada)

EMR Policy Institute (USA)

Environment and Community: Safe from Radiation: ECSFR (Australia)

Environmental Health Trust (USA)

Fibre Action for Safer Telecoms Technology (FASTT)​ (UK)
Free the Sky (USA)​

Gigaherz (Switzerland)

Global Union Against Radiation Deployment From Space (GUARDS)

ICEMS (International Commission for ElectroMagnetic Safety)

IEMFA (International EMF Alliance)

International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation

International Institute for Building Biology & Ecology (USA) 

Kitamakamura and Kamakura blog (Japan)

Kompetenzinitiative (Germany)
Just Prove It (US)

Life Energies (US)

Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunication (USA)

Mast Sanity (UK)

Mast Victims (UK)

Means for Change (US)

Microwave News (US)

Mobile Wise (UK)

My Street, My Choice! (California)

National Association for Children and Safe Technology (NACST) (USA)

National Platform on Radiation Risks (Netherlands)

Next-Up (France)

Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) (Australia)


Pandora Foundation (Germany)

PHIRE (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment, UK)

Physicians for Safe Technology (USA)

Powerwatch (UK)

Prévention ondes électromagnétiques (Electromagnetic Wave Prevention, Drôme, France)

Quebec Coalition of struggle against electromagnetic pollution (Canada)

Rådet for Helbredssikker Telekommunikation (Council for Health-Safe Telecommunications, Denmark)


Radiation Dangers

Radiation Education (for kids, by kids)

Radiation Health Risks

Rete Elettrosmog-Free Italia (Italy)

RFInfo (UK)

RFSafe (John Coates, USA)

Right To Life (National Association for the Prevention of Electrical Contamination, Poland)

Robin des Toits (France)

Scientists For Wired Technology (S4WT) (USA)

Slow Digital

Smombie Gate

Stay on the Truth

Stop UMTS (Netherlands)

Stralings Arm Vlaanderen (Radiation Arm Flanders, Belgium)

Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation (Stralskyddsstiftelsen, Sweden)

Take Back Your Power (USA, film)

TelecomPowerGrab.org (USA)

Teslabel Coordination (Belgium)

The People's Initiative Foundation (USA)

​​Tuberose: Electromagnetic Fields (USA)

Towards Better Health (Switzerland)

UK Radiation

Understanding EMFS (Massachusetts, Cece Doucette)

Vågbrytaren (Sweden)

WEEP (The Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution, Canada)

Wi-Cancer (USA)

Wireless Action (USA)

Wireless Education: Safe Schools, Healthy Workplaces (USA)

Wireless Education Action (USA)

Wireless Right To Know (USA)

Wiser Wireless Wales (Wales, UK)

Social harm from EM technology

Centre for Humane Technology (USA)

Digital Disconnect

Digital Responsibility

EM Scientists' Blogs and Websites

A blog about environmental and health related research (Prof. Lennart Hardell)

Andrew Marino's Home Page (Prof Andrew Marino)

Barrie Trower (Facebook)

Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski)

Careless Science (Dr Igor Yakymenko)

Dr Magda Havas

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety (Dr. Joel Moskowitz)

Other Blogs

Head to the Hills (Australia)

The Microwave Factor (EMF Refugee Blogspot)

Children and WiFi and Electrosmog in Schools websites

Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook, USA)

Children's Screen Time Action Campaign (USA)

Education not Radiation (Anne Arundel County, USA)

Escuela sin Wi-Fi (Spain)

Kawartha Safe Technology Initiative (Canada)

Mothers for Safe Technology (UK) (Facebook)

National Association for Children and Safe Technology (US)

Parents Against WiFi in School (Facebook)

Parents for Safe Schools (Canada)

Parents For Safe Technology (USA)

Responsible iPad (California)

RF/EMF (Petaluma School District, CA)

Safe in School

Safe School Committee (Canada)

Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance (UK)

Safe Tech for Schools Maryland (US)

School Radiation (Canada)

Schools Worldwide Removing The WiFi And Reducing Exposure (EHT, USA)

The ChildSafe School (USA)

The BabySafe Project (US)

The WiFi Genocide (The Institute for Geopathology, South Africa)

United Federation of Teachers (USA)

WiFi Free Schools (Germany)

WiFi in Schools (Australia)

WiFi in Schools (UK)

Wired Child (UK)

Wired Schools (USA)

Wireless Education (USA)

Wireless Education: Safe Schools, Health Workplaces (International)

Stop Wireless 'Smart' Meter websites

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (Facebook)

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC (Canada)

InPower Movement (USA)

Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (US, Maine)

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness (Chicago)

People Power Victoria (Australia, Victoria)

Smart Grid Awareness

Stop OC Smart Meters (Orange County, US)

Stop Smart Grid (USA)

Stop Smart Meters (Australia)

Stop Smart Meters (Canada, BC)

Stop Smart Meters (Ireland)

Stop Smart Meters Tasmania (Tasmania)

Stop Smart Meters UK (UK)

Stop Smart Meters! (USA, California)

Stop Smart Meters (USA, California: database of Stop Smart Meter websites)

Take Back Your Power (film, research)

Take Back Your Power (links to groups)

Local Group Directory (Stop Smart Meters.org)


5G Appeal

5G Awareness

5G Awareness Now

5G Crisis

5G Exposed (Brian Snellgrove)

5G Free Oregon

5G Information

5G?Iot: "Health and Safety"

Americans for Responsible Technology

Annie Logical: Uncensored

Citizens for 5G Awareness

Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS)

Lands Indsamlingen Mod 5G

South Wales Creatives Against 5G

Stop 5G

Stop 5G Global Protest Day (January 25 2019)

Stop 5G Australia

Stop 5G in Cyprus

Stop 5G Israel

Stop 5G Italia

Stop 5G Malta
Stop 5G on Earth and in Space: International Appeal

Stop 5G New Zealand

Stop 5G South Africa

Stop 5G UK


USA National 5G Resolution (December 11 2019)

What is 5G?


Em.Prof.ML Pall: "5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health" (2018)

International Guidelines and Safety Limits

Bioinitiative 2012

EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016

International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation 2018

Seletun 2010

The EMF Call

Call to WHO to Abandon Obsolete ICNIRP

International Coordinating EMF groups

IEMFA (International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance)

Official Warnings

Some countries are now issuing warnings over the established health damage from the use of electromagnetic devices, especially since the cancer 2B classification of 2011:


Jennifer Jensen: "Hilary Clinton heckler come forward, explains why he did it"  (10 News, October 13th 2014, 2 mins, about Kevin Mottus who wanted national attention that "wireless classrooms are causing cancer" and President Clinton's 1996 Telecoms Act makes it "illegal for localities to talk about health and safety from cell towers")

"Father held in psychiatric unit for protesting against wi-fi in his children's school" (What Doctors Don't Tell You, September 18th 2014)

cellphone tower protest, Sutton Coldfield, England (Sunday Telegraph, 2003)

tank protester (2014, 5 mins)

Appeals, Declarations and Resolutions

"International Experts’ Perspective on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)" (Dr Magda Havas, 2018)

"41 expressions of high level concern drafted by scientists and/or medical doctors regarding health impacts of low level EMF exposures, 2002-2018" (Em.Prof.Pall)



American Academy of Pediatrics (2013)

Appeal to the Pope (2016)

Benevento Resolution (2006)

Brussels Declaration (2015)

Californian Medical Association (2014)

Electrosmog Appeal Belgium (2019)

France: Colloquium at the National Assembly (2016)

*International EMF Scientist (2015) 

Nicosia (2017)

Paris, 5th Congress (2015)

Salzburg Resolution (2002)

*Stop 5G on Earth and in Space: International Appeal (2018)

*The 5G Appeal(2017)

*The EMF Call(2018)

Venice Resolution (2008)

Vienna Resolution (1998)



Radiation-free locations

Radiation-free locations, housing, schools, motels etc

Biological and Health-Effects Safety Limits

Bioinitiative 2012: Public Health Policy Recommendations

Building Biology (2008)

EUROPAEM 2016 (text) (tables)

International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation (IGNIR)

Seletun (2010)

    See also:  Safety Limits


Visualising EM radiation

Visualising Electromagnetic Fields: Luke Sturgeon

Building Biology (commercial)

Stavbna & Bivalna Biologija (Building & Living Biology, Slovenia)

Cellphone Tower Lawyers (commercial)

Campanelli & Associates: "Anti CellTower Laywers"

Research businesses

Sina Health Development High Tech Co. (Iran)

Political Parties

Save Us Now (UK)

EMF Protection (A Few of Many Commercial Sites)

     Many other sites can be found on the internet.

     These sites are not validated by electrosensitivity.co

Aaronia AG (Germany)

Electro Smog Shielding (England)

EMFields (England)

EMF Knight (US)

EMF Risks (US)

EMF Safety Store (US)

EMF Shielding Australia (Australia)

EMR Shielding Solutions (Canada, US)


leblok (UK)

Less EMF (US)

NoRad4U (Israel)

Radmeters (US)

Safe Living Technologies (Canada)

Shield Your Body (US)

Swiss Shield (Switzerland)

Wireless Protection (US)

YShield (Germany)

Zazzle Anti-Wireless Shop

Pro-industry Regulators still using mainly Heating Limits
(as opposed to Biological and Health-Effects Safety Limits)

Control of EMFs at Work Regulations 2016 (UK, HSE) Guide to Control of EMFs at Work Regulations 2016 (UK, HSE, 2016)

FCC (USA, 1996)

ICNIRP 1998 (World Health Organization: private agency)

Radiation Protection Standard 3 (Australia, Arpansa, 2002)

Safety Code 6 (Canada, 2015)

    See also:  Safety Limits

                      Viewpoints on EHS: WHO, ICNIRP, FCC
