
'Green' or 'White' zones

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'Green' or 'White' zones are areas free of man-made electromagnetic radiation.

Websites for Radiation-free housing, schools, motels etc:

Government and other 'Green' or 'White' Zones


In 2011 the Council of Europe advised each member state to provide 'White' zones for ES people.


In January 2014 the French Assembly voted to ask the government to provide a report on "the opportunity to create areas of limited electromagnetic radiation, notably in the urban environment" and difficulties in the workplace.

In October 2013 plans were made for a 'White' zone in France.

September 2015:


A new building (2014) near Zurich is designed for people who are hyper-sensitive to chemicals and electromagnetic radiation and fields.


Green Bank in West Virginia, the radio telescope location, provides an unofficial white zone.

Website with list of White Zones:

Building for protection:

Recognition of ES as a Disability

United Nations

Electrosensitivity comes under the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of 2007, as a functional impairment.


The European Parliament resolution of 2nd April 2009 called on member states to recognise ES as a disability.

Chemical Sensitivity Refuges

Snowflake, Arizona, USA: