
Replacing WiFi and Bluetooth

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Introduction: the need to remove WiFi radiation

WiFi can cause electrosensitivity symptoms, and is a known class 2B cancer agent. It is particularly bioactive for two reasons: (a) it has low frequencies such as 10Hz as well as its microwave carrier frequency of 2.45 or 5 GHz, and (b) it is very strongly modulated at up to 100 times, much stronger than cellphone signals.

It is therefore essential to eliminate WiFi from your environment or reduce it as much as possible.

The need to eliminate WiFi especially applies to children, pregnant women, the elderly, sick people and people particularly sensitive to this type of radiation. One WiFi router can reduce its radiation by 70% to help protect pregnant women.

Patent for reduction in WiFi radiation:

WiFi (and cellphone) radiation in Kindergartens exceeds EHS safety limits:

  • Measurements, both environmental and personal, for 10 children and 20 kindergartens in Melbourne, Australia, over 16 frequency bands 88 MHz-5.8 GHz, exceeded safety limits (EUROPAEM 2016) for sensitive or EHS people :

    - median environmental exposure  = 0.179 V/m
    - median personal exposure            = 0.081 mV/m

    Safety limits (EUROPAEM 2016, V/m) for sensitive (EHS) people:

    - for GSM/UMTS:              = 0.019 mV/m
    - for WiFi 2.45GHz/DAB:  = 0.06 mV/m

    (Bhatt CR et al, 2016).


Switching off

Simple ways to reduce or eliminate WiFi radiation:

  1. Only switch on your WiFi when you need it.
  2. Always switch off your WiFi at night.
  3. Use a WiFi router with reduced radiation.
  4. Replace WiFi with a safer system, as below.

Safety tips and measuring WiFi

Simple ways to make your life safer:

Children made sick by Wifi and cellophones, and forced out of school

Replace WiFi with wired Ethernet cables and a non-WiFi router

Cabled networks: for a small office or apartment it is easy to lay cables to connect a non-wireless Router with internet devices.

Restricting WiFi in towns

Replace cordless phones

Remove your cordless phone. Replace it with a landline wired phone. Cordless phones give off high levels of radiation and are as dangerous as cellphones and wireless laptops or tablets.

Replace Bluetooth
Bluetooth, like WiFi and all other radio frequency radiation, is a known neurological agent and 2B cancer agent. Although less powerful than some cellphone transmitters and some WiFi modems and transmitters, its signals still cause health damage with their pulsed microwaves. It should be removed or replaced with wired cables.

dLAN plugs - for wired powerline networks

For a medium sized house it is easy to use dLAN plugs on the house wiring circuit to allow each device its own wired access to the internet. These devices produce dirty electricity and radio waves along the wiring power circuit, but the radiation is much less invasive than WiFi and less biologically active if you sit or sleep a good distance from the wiring. It is best to switch off the main plugs and Router at night.

The practical advantages of dLAN plugs are speed and security.

Wired internet for iPads

Some devices, such as iPads, do not have an access point for wired internet connections. Wired connections can usually devised.

Virtual Assistants

Amazon Echo and Google Home use Wifi at 2.45 and 5.0 GHz.

  • Their safety manuals (Amazon Echo, Google Home) advise a minimum distance of 20 cm (8 inches), but this is only to prevent short-term heating, not long-term effects such as cancers, infertility and ES.

LiFi - communication by light

LiFi, or Light Fidelity, communicates via signals within the lighting, using LED lights.

LiFi has not yet been tested for biological effects, and increasingly scientific studies are showing harm from LEDs, especially from the high proportion of blue light. 

    See:  Replacing CFL, Halogen and LED light bulbs

Further information on WiFi and health:

Doctors against WiFi:

Teacher Unions and other concerned about WiFi:

Citizens want warnings on Wifi:

Government bans and restrictions on WiFi and cellphones:

    See also: Legal

Some governments, councils and regulators have banned or restricted WiFi and cellphones in schools and for young people for health reasons, requiring cabled or wired internet connections instead. These include:

  • Argentina:
    a bill requiring wired internet connections in schools and hospitals (2016)
  • Australia:
    a school had to replace WiFi with wired internet connections where there was a child disabled by EHS (2015);
    an employee intolerant of WiFi was awarded compensation after an employer failed to protect him exposure to wireless radiation (2013)
  • Canada:
    Disability Legislation: EHS is recognized as an environmental sensitivity requiring worker accommodation (2007);
    House of Commons: Report of the Standing Committee on Health: Recommendation 5: That the Government continue to provide reasonable accommodations for environmental sensitivities, including EHS, as required under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
    non-thermal safety limits, such as 0.01 microW/m2 for sensitive people including children with EHS, prohibit WiFi (2016)
  • European Council:
    proposed all member states ban wireless radiation in schools (2013)
  • Finland:
    ​Olli Tammilehto: "Parents had Wifi switches installed in a Finnish school" (March 24 2017)
  • France:
    a ban on WiFi and cellphones in all nurseries and restrictions in primary schools (2015);
    a ​worker intolerant of WiFi and similar radiation was awarded financial compensation (2015)
  • Germany:
    Various states: warnings against WiFi (2007)
  • Israel:
    Haifa schools: WiFi removed (2016);
    Ministry of Education: stop the installation of WiFi in schools prior to the first grade and limit WiFi between first and third grades; teachers must turn off cellphones and WiFi routers when not in use (2013); bans cellphones and limits WiFi in class (2016)
  • Italy:
    Borgofranco d'Ivrea: banned WiFi in two schools (2016)
  • (2017) The decree of the Environment Minister has recommendations on reducing EMF. Section of the Decree recommends reducing exposure to indoor electromagnetic pollution.

    (a) Reduce low frequency magnetic fields: “In order to reduce as far as possible the indoor exposure to low frequency magnetic fields (ELFs) induced by electrical panels, uprights, conductor dorsals, etc.” the design of the plants must provide that meters and electric panels are outside the building and take measures to reduce levels.  

    (b) Reduce Radio frequency radiation: Reduce as much as possible the indoor exposure to high-frequency magnetic fields (RF) equipment with alternative data transfer systems to Wifi, eg. cable connection or Powerline communication (PLC) technology.  

    This was started by a Communication by ECC (COM(2003) 302), to the European Parliament about “Integrated Product Policy: Develop the concept of environmental lifecycle.” (“Italy – Policy Recommendations On Cell Phones, Wireless Radiation & Health”, Environmental Health Trust, August 2017)
  • Spain:
    The high court in Madrid: recognized intolerance to WiFi and EHS as a permanent disability and awarded financial compensation (2016)
  • Sweden:
    intolerance of WiFi recognized as a disabling impairment and the state provides for persons with this impairment (2000)
  • Russia: 
    The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation (RNCIRP): officially recommended that Wi-Fi not be used in schools (2012)
  • Taiwan:
    WiFi illegal for chidren under 2 years of age, and wireless use must be reasonable for all children under 18 years of age (2015)
  • UK:
    EMF Regulations 2016 HSE Guide: employers should make a risk assessment and take special consideration of employees at particular risk such as pregnant women where WiFi and Bluetooth etc. are listed as possible health hazards (2016);
    Employment and Social Support Allowance: granted under the Social Entitlement Chamber, ESA Regulation 29, Exceptional Circumstances, 2b, where the EHS claimant would have been able to lead a normal life with little or no functional impairment anywhere where there was no WiFi, cellphones or cellphone towers (2012);
    Trades Unions Congress: carcinogens, including class 2B, should not be used in the workplace where possible and should be removed completely (2012);
    UK Chief Medical Officers: advise that children and young people under 16 should be encouraged to use cellphones for essential purposes only, and to keep calls short (2011)
  • USA:
    Job Accommodation Network (JAN), the US Department of Labor, the Office for Disability Employment Poiicy (ODEP): suggested accommodation for workers with EHS intolerance symptoms: Relocate workplace away from areas where symptoms are triggered.  This may include limiting certain types of devices in the vicinity of the employee's workstation; Provide wired telephones and network connections, etc. (2016);
    Los Angeles Unified Schools Board: provided WiFi-free work accommodation for a teacher made intolerant of WiFi by EHS (2014)  
  • World Health Organization (WHO): IARC:
    WiFi (2.45 GHz, 5 GHz carrier frequency) is a class 2B carcinogen (2011)
    WiFi (10 Hz pulse) is a class 2B carcinogen (2001)
  • World Health Organization (WHO): ICNIRP:
    Vulnerable sections of the general population need non-thermal safety limits. (2002)
    "Certain sensitive individuals" need non-thermal safety limits. (2002)
    Some normal individuals exposed concurrently to two agents need non-thermal limits. (2002) 

Wifi reduces male fertility:

Some science on the known adverse health effects of WiFi:

Collections of studies:

Some older news on the dangers of Wifi:

  • BBCPanorama: "WiFi Warning Signal" (2007)
  • Gary Brown: "Wi-Fi in the Education Environment" (Safe in School, February 2 2011)
  • Canadian Press: "Ont. parents suspect Wi-Fi making kids sick" (CBC News, August 15 2011)
  • Canadian Press: "Ban Wi-Fi in classroom, Ontario teachers union urges" (CBC News, February 13 2012)
  • CTV: "Ontario school cuts Wi-Fi over safety concerns" (CTV, September 8 2011)
  • Kate Figes: “Wireless technology made me sick” (The London Evening Standard, November 23 2006)
  • France: "Sainte-Geneviève Library: Wi-Fi Hot Spots deactivation" (May 24 2008)
  • "France National Library gives-up WiFi" (Next-up, July 4 2008)
  • Mark Frauenfelder: "Town of Sebastopol, CA rescinds resolution to provide public Wifi" (boingboing, 2008)
  • Claire Heald: "Wi-fi worry" (BBC News, December 13 2006)
  • Carol Hughes: "Wi-Fi Concerns Should Lead to Updated Regulations - A Letter by Carol Hughes, MP" (September 7 2010)
  • "LATEST WARNING: Wi-Fi Dangerous to Children and Pregnant Women - Must Read!" (February 4 2011)
  • Juliette Maxam: “Computer network forced man to quit job” (East Anglian Daily Times, July 10 2006)
  • Jonathan Milne: “Wifi fears hang in the air” (Times Educational Supplement, December 15 2006)
  • Jonathan Milne "Mystery headaches reboot Wifi fears" (Times Educational Supplement, March 30 2007)
  • Joanna Bale: "Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks" (London Times, November 20 2006)
    "Radiation levels blamed for illnesses; Teacher became too sick to work:
    Parents and teachers are forcing some schools to dismantle wireless computer networks amid fears that they could damage children’s health. More schools are putting transmitters in classrooms to give pupils wireless access from laptops to the school computer network and the internet. But many parents and some scientists fear that low levels of microwave radiation emitted by the transmitters could be harmful, causing loss of concentration, headaches, fatigue, memory and behavioural problems and possibly cancer in the long term. Scientific evidence is inconclusive, but some researchers think that children are vulnerable because of their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems.

    At the Prebendal School, a prestigious preparatory in Chichester, West Sussex, a group of parents lobbied the headteacher, Tim Cannell, to remove the wireless network last month. Mr Cannell told The Times: “We listened to the parents’ views and they were obviously very concerned. We also did a lot of research. The authorities say it’s safe, but there have been no long-term studies to prove this. “We had been having problems with the reliability of it anyway, so we decided to exchange it for a conventional cabled system.” Vivienne Baron, who is bringing up Sebastian, her ten-year-old grandson, said: “I did not want Sebastian exposed to a wireless computer network at school. No real evidence has been produced to prove that this new technology is safe in the long term. Until it is, I think we should take a precautionary approach and use cabled systems.”

    At Ysgol Pantycelyn, a comprehensive in Carmarthenshire, parents aired their concerns to the governors, who agreed to switch off its wireless network. Hywel Pugh, the head teacher, told The Times: “The county council and central government told us that wireless networks are perfectly safe, but as there were concerns we listened to them and decided that the concerns of the parents were of greater importance than our need to have a wireless network.” Judith Davies, who has a daughter at the school, said: “Many people campaign against mobile phone masts near schools, but there is a great deal of ignorance about wireless computer networks. Yet they are like having a phone mast in the classroom and the transmitters are placed very close to the children.”

    Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach. “I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was in the classroom,” he said. “First came a thick headache, then pains throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal.” Anthony Wallersteiner, the head teacher of Stowe School, said that he was planning to put cabled networks in all new classrooms and boarding houses.

    Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, said that evidence of potentially harmful effects of microwave radiation had become more persuasive over the past five years. His report said that while there was a lack of hard information of damage to health, the approach should be precautionary. A DfES spokesman said: “It’s up to individual schools to decide on this.”
  • German Federal Government: National warning: Avoid exposure to radiation emanating from WiFi in cafés, schools, public “hot spots", and private homes. Recommended that people should keep their exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi "as low as possible". (German article. 2007)
  • "RussCNIRP about WiFi and children's health/ Излучение WiFi и здоровье детей" (2012, 2 min)
  • "WIFI removed at Surrey BC School" (Stay on the Truth, November 1 2010)

History of Wifi:

The development of Wifi involved the invention of the Fast Fourier Transform Chip by Dr. John O'Sullivan to solve the 'cavern problem' of reflections within a building distorting the wireless signal. It involved multiple slow pulses and was developed by radio astronomers at CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) in Australia during the 1990s. The standard was adopted in 1999. The patent was accepted in a test case in Texas, USA, in 2009.


Unfortunately, none of this modulation of wireless radiation was checked for its health effects. These adverse health effects from Wifi were first noted by a Becta report of 2000 noting that engineers in the UK installing Wifi in schools were complaining of specific neurological electrosensitivity symptoms such as headaches. Since then Wifi has been accepted as one of the most bioactive form of radiofrequency modulation, with its very low frequency pulse of 10 Hz and it very wide amplitude, some 100 times wider than a typical cellphone.

Nowadays Wifi is regarded by health experts as one of the most damaging developments in wireless technology. In international biological safety guidelines, such as EUROPAEM 2016 EMF Guidelines, experts have given it the lowest limit for safety, at 0.1 microWatt per meter squared, or 0.006 Volts per meter. 

Claims by Pro-WiFi Industry Apologists:

A few Wifi industry activists still claim, against the majority scientific evidence, that WiFi is not harmful.

Out of date argument

Some of these people have failed to read the hundreds of peer-reviewed studies proving adverse effects from exposure to Wifi and other radio frequency radiation. Kenneth Foster ("Is Wi-Fi a Health Threat in Schools?" Education Next, Summer 2019) quoted the invalidated and out-dated claim by the WHO of 2005 that "there is no basis to link electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms to electromagnetic-field exposure", even though the specific symptoms of radiation exposure common to electrosensitivity and microwave sickness have been known in the scientific literature since 1932 and established since the 1970s.

Objective Biological Markers

Within the last 15 years, since the WHO's invalidated claim of 2005, there have been studies providing diagnostic criteria. These include a personal history and biological markers, including genetic haplotypes, oxidative stress, cerebral brain perfusion scans, 3d fMRI scans, and many other markers.

Long-term Biological Guidelines 

The activist cartel  -  e.g. the FCC, IEEE, ICNIRP, ARPANSA and Health Canada  -  does not refer to the majority science on this issue. It is still trying to support only the industry's short-term heating guidelines based on Schwan's mistake of 1953, not long-term biological guidelines line Bioinitiative 2012, EUROPAEM 2016, IGNIR 2018, and Seletun 2010.

Not "disruptive" or "impossible"

In practical terms, the claim that "trying to produce a 'radiation free' environment could be highly disruptive to schools; achieving it would also be impossible, if 'radiation free' means a total lack of RF signals in the environment" is invalid. All a radiation-free environment requires is hard-wiring with cables, and having cellphones switched off in the relevant area. It is certainly not "disruptive" or "impossible".

Wifi Injuries in the Media etc.:

          to: WiFi in schools -  links to websites